ICT Strategic Consulting is me, and others I work with. We help technology-driven business owners/operators to build the value of their businesses, and ultimately realise that value through an exit. We can help you avoid the traps and reap the rewards of success.

  • Building a selling engine to drive your market presence, generate leads and convert them to sales.
  • Agreeing a realistic business plan for internal use or with investors and buyers.
  • Consolidating growth to crystallise value for a trade sale or other transaction.
  • Making acquisitions that make sense and build equity value.
  • Attracting strategic buyers and negotiating deals that realise your potential.
  • Actioning growth plans to consolidate your position – or your whole industry.

I’ve built a huge formal and informal network across the technology industries, so when you need a partner, a buyer, target or resource, we can find them quickly.